S shortcut will not use current brush size

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S shortcut will not use current brush size

Postby cassidy » 04 Jul 2020, 19:24

Hello !

When I use the S shortcut to resize the brush it never starts at the current size of the brush. For example: let's say the current size of my brush is 7. When I press S, the displayed size is right away 17. And I can adjust it from there.

If I leave it at 17 and press S again, it magically gets up to 40, and the next time to 92, etc. During this whole time I hold my stylus very still on the same spot. So in theory the brush size shouldn't increase at all.

I found this topic that seemed to be relevant: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1771&hilit=brush+size

So I tried what was indicated there:

* With or without "Precise stylus position" activated
* Registering Black Ink as an application in the wacom driver panel

And my issue only happens with the stylus. Not with the mouse.

Do you know what could cause this?

Also, interestingly enough but probably unrelated, the calibration of the stylus is perfect out of the box as far as I can tell, but when I go through the "calibrate" tool in Black Ink settings, it becomes completely off. The cursor is a good 100px or more away from the position where it should be.

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Re: S shortcut will not use current brush size

Postby u2bleank » 06 Jul 2020, 15:19

Hi Cassidy, should be fixed in the current beta ( or the next release of Black Ink )

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Re: S shortcut will not use current brush size

Postby cassidy » 08 Jul 2020, 19:31

Just to confirm, it is indeed fixed in the beta :)

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