Brush resizing and zooming problem

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Brush resizing and zooming problem

Postby lightanx » 19 Dec 2018, 01:20

When I resize brushes the size often resets to 0 pixels while still holding the shortcut key.

example - If I keep holding the resize key and try increasing the brush size, it will increase a little and then reset to 0, it repeats when I keep moving the stylus. Similar thing happens when zooming.
These problems occur only when holding the resize/zoom shortcuts (sliders work fine) and only when using a tablet (this happens on an old wacom intuos as well as a new huion q11k). I couldn't replicate the issue with a mouse.

I found two threads related to these problems.

viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1694 - this is similar to what I'm experiencing, but unforunately the hot fix didn't help me. :cry:

viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1705#p4838 - another topic about the zoom problem.

Is there any way to fix this?

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Re: Brush resizing and zooming problem

Postby bonnie » 19 Dec 2018, 10:27

If you disable the precise stylus in preferences, does your problem persist?


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Re: Brush resizing and zooming problem

Postby lightanx » 19 Dec 2018, 13:36

No difference after disabling precise stylus.

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Re: Brush resizing and zooming problem

Postby u2bleank » 19 Dec 2018, 15:28

hum indeed the problem is quiet visible here :cry:
So my question i do you have the same problem with the mouse ?

EDIT :you already have answered to my question... so it's a weird bug and I need to do more investigation. Unfortunately you have to wait the next release before any change in this area :reyes:

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