WIP - Layer Compo

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WIP - Layer Compo

Postby u2bleank » 16 Nov 2017, 13:45


I will try to communicate a little bit about the progress of one of the next Black Ink feature: Nodal composition of Layers

it's a big modification with two goals:
  • Allow more layers to be managed (community request number 1)
  • Introduce a Nodal layer management in real time with keeping the procedural philosophy of Black Ink
  • allow brushes effects like these:

Here is a non-exhaustive list of examples that this functionality should allow in the long run :
  • Complex Layer masking
  • Visual Layer management
  • Brushes will be able to output datas in more than one layer at a time
  • Layer with physik information ( like pressure, speed, height, metallness, etc.. )
  • Layer filters ( sharpen, contrast, blur, etc.. )
  • Paint Effect via multi layer processing and blending Image
  • Level Tracing via custom blendingImage

Constraints are:
  • Maintain good performance
  • Have a layer handling system as simple as possible for standard cases. Indeed, the current management by list of layers is very easy and quick to use (these are wingers the way to manage layers in almost all the software on the market)
  • Have a clear and practical visualization
  • Maintain consistency with the Controller Editor's look & feel

To begin with, we define an Output Operator : it's the one that displays the result on the Canvas.
Navigation in the LayerCompo will be close to the current Black Ink's canvas with Zoom, move, automatic refocusing, etc.


The simplest form for a document is an Output connected to a Layer.
Here a Layer contains only its own data. It has no information about Blending (which will be another type of operator).

In terms of operation, the operators will be able to attach themselves to each other in order to keep a compact shape.


However, by pressing a key at the time of the move, an effective link between them can be maintained (this will be useful later to efficiently store a large number of similar operations).


Please note that these concept examples have not yet been graphically designed

That's all for now but I'll try to update this thread as we go along ;)

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Re: WIP - Layer Compo

Postby u2bleank » 28 Nov 2017, 14:55

So today I will introduce the LayerBlendStack operator.
It is an important operator because it will make it possible to make some kind of link between a "classical" management of layers with a completely nodal management.

This means that it will automatically manage several Blending operations without having to do it manually. For example, if we had to mix 36 Layers in a sequential way in pure Nodal, it would be tedious (create the Layer operator + create a blending operator + connect them to each other + connect them with the previous blending... then repeat each time you want to add a new layer.. ).

Here everything is done in a fluid way while allowing to add more advanced nodal management if necessary.


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Re: WIP - Layer Compo

Postby u2bleank » 01 Dec 2017, 09:38

the LayerBlend operator has 2 inputs:
a source and a backdrop, for an output.
In contrast to the previous operator LayerBlendStack, we cannot attach an undetermined number of inputs to it.


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Re: WIP - Layer Compo

Postby markusantares » 07 Dec 2017, 16:06

Good to hear the news about the update. Especially about the layers. :)

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Re: WIP - Layer Compo

Postby u2bleank » 15 Dec 2017, 15:40

- Working on Datas reflections for multi view editing :


- Starting to test change on a real canvas :


Testing a more complex Layer composition :


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Re: WIP - Layer Compo

Postby u2bleank » 20 Dec 2017, 17:29

Hi again :D

Now I've have added the support for Grayscale Layer and Mask Operator.
It will be possible to create a Layer mask and then use it anywhere in your layer composition.
It's a great feature missing from the current Black Ink version.


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Re: WIP - Layer Compo

Postby u2bleank » 17 Jan 2018, 09:39

I added a preview for Layers.
The preview displays only the area containing pixels at the moment and resize according to the zoom level requested.
The update is not 100% real time as for the Black Ink Secondary View but I don't think it is necessary in this case.


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Re: WIP - Layer Compo

Postby u2bleank » 21 Feb 2018, 09:50


I wanted to add some "physik" cables to the system ( because is funny ;) )

Then I made a little test :

Then I started to implement a better design for operators :



However there still quite some works before it will be usable in Black Ink :desperate:
But I hope you will enjoy it at the end :thanx:

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Re: WIP - Layer Compo

Postby u2bleank » 08 Mar 2018, 10:01


The system we had in mind is beginning to take shape..
Here a little gif showing how to Embedded an Operator in another and how to fold or unfold operator to hide complexity.



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Re: WIP - Layer Compo

Postby bonnie » 08 Mar 2018, 16:02


It's really fun to use \o/


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