Rotating brushes

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Rotating brushes

Postby szascha » 24 Sep 2015, 18:18

Hello everyone!

I just have a question before I start using BLACK INK. I need a brush preset simulating a DNA string. Would like to make something like this: ... 47551&qo=7

Is BLACK INK able to rotate the brush controlled or am I doomed?

I was unsure where to post this question, sorry if I posted this in the wrong board. :?

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Re: Rotating brushes

Postby szascha1 » 08 Oct 2015, 10:20

Hey, is there nobody who could help me? Not even the staff? :cry:

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Re: Rotating brushes

Postby maninmachine » 08 Oct 2015, 17:11

Oh yeah, it's possible. (I'm not at my home pc, but I'll do my best to describe it.)

Start with a new canvas with max dpi and whatever resolution.

Select a simple brush and clear all controllers. Set your brush presets so that you're getting a simple line - I'll suggest 5px. Set your scatter controller such that the vector has:
- a magnitude controlled by the absolute value of a sinusoidal wave (path like a ball bouncing on your stroke) multiplied by a function that very rapidly flips from 1 to -1 (to mirror path across stroke) and,
- an angle perpendicular to the stroke direction

This will give you the right outer contour. I'm pretty sure it's possible to get the lines in between, but it will get complicated.

The rake brush is a good example/reference of using multiple lines.

Here's some stuff I was messing around with: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1030 .

I'll try it out later if I can remember ;)

It's also worth mentioning you can very easily get something somewhat close just by having your size controlled by a sine wave.

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Re: Rotating brushes

Postby maninmachine » 09 Oct 2015, 03:39

Well, here's a start.

dnapreview.jpg (24.6 KiB) Viewed 61245 times

dna2preview.jpg (23.07 KiB) Viewed 61245 times
(22.34 KiB) Downloaded 4284 times

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Re: Rotating brushes

Postby bonnie » 09 Oct 2015, 10:40

Thank you Maninmachin for your good detailed explanation, and sorry szascha for the delay :oops:

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Re: Rotating brushes

Postby szascha1 » 13 Oct 2015, 21:06

maninmachine wrote:Select a simple brush and clear all controllers. Set your brush presets so that you're getting a simple line - I'll suggest 5px. Set your scatter controller such that the vector has:
- a magnitude controlled by the absolute value of a sinusoidal wave (path like a ball bouncing on your stroke) multiplied by a function that very rapidly flips from 1 to -1 (to mirror path across stroke) and,
- an angle perpendicular to the stroke direction

Hey maninmachine!
Thank you for your grogerous examples! It looks very great and very close to what I would like to go to. I tried to experiment with the settings, got a bit into the sofware and the functions but I am far away from understanding the controlling of the brushes. For example I couldn't find out how to manage the spacing between the dots (need to get them less close).
I will seek for more info about black ink, maybe I get some info to handle this :)

If you like we could do a stream at hangouts or skype and record the process for a tutorial, so other people can learn from you :D

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Re: Rotating brushes

Postby maninmachine » 23 Oct 2015, 01:40

We can start a discussion here: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1512

Hope to hear from you! :)

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