Intuos5 Setup -

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Intuos5 Setup -

Postby thereverend » 24 Dec 2015, 16:48

Hi There

I'm new to drawing and painting and I'm new to useing Intuos5. Now I wonder if someone could help me out a bit with setting Intuos5 up. I got 8 buttons on the left, 2 buttons on the pen and a touch ring with 4 functions. I guess some of it is personal preference but I still hope to see what others do.

I think what I at least need on the buttons are:
- Pick Color
- Move Canvas
- Erase

On the touch ring:
Zoom Canvas
Rotate Canvas
Brush Size

On the Pen:

What else would or have you put on those functions?

And some help about the touch ring would be needed too: seems I cant actually make rotation and brush size work on the touch ring. It feels like I would need two key-strokes like one for increasing brush size and one for decreasing brush size. Black Ink however wants the s-key and mouseinput to increase and decrease brush size. Same goes with rotation. How can I make those work?

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Re: Intuos5 Setup -

Postby bonnie » 28 Dec 2015, 15:42


I don’t know if you know Black Ink shortcuts.
You can have a look here, maybe that will help ;)

On your 8 buttons, you can have
Navigate tools:
Move canvas | Hold [Space] (when you hold a shortcut key, move your pen to the right to increase your value, or to the left to decrease it)
Rotation | Hold [R] (rotation)
Zoom | Hold [Q]
Flip view | Hit [F]
Fit View | Ctrl+0
Brush tools:
Size | Hold [S]
Eraser | [E] if you hold it you will erase with your current brush, and if you hit [E] you will altern Brush with eraser
Smoothness | Hold [Z]

For your touch ring, you could try to change your brushes [1,2,3,4,5]

On your pen,
In my opinion buttons on the stylus are useless, and I removed them because I pressed all the time involuntarily on them... But it could be interesting to put the color picker

In closing, I would say the best thing to do is to draw with Black Ink and know your habits, you’ll finish to define easily what shortcuts are important to you


Posts: 2
Joined: 24 Dec 2015, 16:34

Re: Intuos5 Setup -

Postby thereverend » 16 Jan 2016, 02:13

Thanks alot bonnie. That helped :up:

I still don't have a final setup, but I think you could give the pen another try. What I do is holding the pen so the buttons face upwards and lie between index and thumb. When I do want to press a button I just twist the pen a bit so the buttons kinda rolls beneath my index and get pressed. Works pretty neatly for me so I placed the move canvas and scale canvas functions on the pen buttons. Feels very natural to me.

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