i would like to suggest a new features that would increase greatly the possibilities of this software.
Animation Layout :

click to enlarge
the animation node controller.
You must to set a global animation node into the BRUSH PARAMETERS, so a section named "Animation" would be added here. (1)
here you set the number of frame
some animation modifiers should added here like
i think about a sort of graph editor with bezier curve linked to the frame time line and parented to some various effects (flicker, oscillator).
Animation Layer (4)
conditions : one stroke by layer
animation layers are floating layers and for performance purpose, the layer are not the full resolution of the document but just a box that contain the stroke and you can use the transformation tool on it.
The brush Stroke must to be editable, like into the brush preview.
Preview Animation (5)
this is just a button that play the animation on the canvas.
Mutable animation layer : (6)
to prevent playing the animation into the preview.
an example of animation node controller : ( 7)
now a short video of what can be done on the stroke as animation.
Thousand of effects could be produced by that, like fluid animation, particle effect like animated smoke, beams lightning and the list is so long.
Imagine I have a background image which you want to animate just few component, of your illustration,
and maybe adding animated lightning to apply on your static background like thunder effect that increase the power of a static illustration.
it would be really good to create sort of animated sprite that could be use in game production.
it would be also good to create such of animated comic for tablet, where you can interact with the drawing, and watch some animated stuff.
well I 'd really hope to see that in black ink.
Annoying stuff with the zooming:
1. "Z" hotkey for zoom doesn't works for me. i am using an french keyboard (azerty)
2. The zoom tool on the top left corner is difficult to use.
With my wacom intuos 4 i reach the border of my tablet when I am zooming out , and I have to repeat the action like 5 times to be at 10%.