I am brand new to digital art so if I could get some help with the following it would be much appreciated.
1) Most importantly. Is there a place to see the Black Ink speed painting much slower, similar to Tutorial 1? I found it extremely rewarding to use the techniques and be able to complete a project while keeping the skills I learned. As I mentioned. I'm new to digital art and a horrible painter so tutorials are helpful.
2) If number 2 isn't available can someone refer me to a source that would be helpful. One that especially uses Black Ink if possible.
3) Is there a way to adjust the contrast of the UI? I am on a 16 inch Cintiq and I can't read what the brushes names are without taking my glasses off and getting real close to it
4) It's nice that the second view lets you move tabs around to where you want them but I can't figure out how to move the part of the UI on the right side of the screen. I'm left handed so it I could get my brush parameters and color selection on the left side of the UI that would be nice.
5) Overall, some of the other programs I tried had far more functions on the screen but somehow I felt I still had plenty of room on my screen. This UI seems to take up so much of the screen but when I use the UI scale to make it smaller I can no longer read what anything is. Is there a solution for this.
6) Are there tutorials on how to make some of the more popular brushes that are used. For example, I was watching the speed painting of Space Opera and the wet ink brush (I think that's what it was) used in the beginning looked real useful for making cloud textures on the screen however my wet ink brush doesn't paint anything like that.
7) Is there a color palette somewhere that has the colors in squares? I found it useful to use for shading and not picking a color too far off the original where using the slider makes changes larger than I intended

Thanks for your product and keep up the good work. Can't wait to see what you guys do next.