List of changes :
Selection tools :
- Create rectangle primitive.
- Create ellipse primitive.
- Tip : When you create a new primitive you can use shortcuts to choose an operation :
- Use Shift+Click to add a primitive to the selection.
- Use Alt+Click to subtract a primitive to the selection.
- Use Shift+Alt+Click to keep only the intersection of the primitive with the selection.
- Use Shift+Click to add a primitive to the selection.
- Adjust last selection. Allows you to adjust the latest selection primitive to refine your selection instead of canceling and starting over.
- Create rectangle primitive.
Ctrl+C shortcut (copy selection from the current layer)
Ctrl+Shift+C shortcut (copy selection from all visible layers)
Ctrl+V shortcut (paste content of the Black Ink clipboard on the current layer)
Ctrl+X shortcut (cut the current selection)
Ctrl+Shift+A shortcut (select current layer’s opacity)
Ctrl+A shortcut (select all)
Ctrl+I shortcut (invert selection)
Ctrl+D shortcut (deselect all)
Ctrl+F4 Exit Black Ink
Losing DynamicsTextures on the canvas when resizing the Black Ink window in Direct3D 9.
Edition of double slider sometimes buggy when a value is entered in a numeric box (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SI5cs29 ... e=youtu.be).
The Eraser side of stylus didn’t work.
Crash when saving with the transform tool active.
Wrong window size when windows taskbar is not positionned at the bottom of the screen (issue http://steamcommunity.com/app/233680/di ... 266664854/).
Overwrite message displayed in all situation when using the Save As command (issue viewtopic.php?f=7&t=627&p=2602#p2602).
- The brush cursor is thinner and uses an inverse color technique for better visualisation:
- Transformation Editor update:
- When transforming a layer the gizmo now surrounds only meaningful content and not necessarily the entire layer
- It’s now possible to undo/redo with the transformation tool active (useful to compare original state and current transformation without exiting the mode).
- You can now configure (in options) the alpha and the visibility of the handles and the frame of the transformation gizmo.
- You can define a snap angle in the transformation parameters.
- When transforming a layer the gizmo now surrounds only meaningful content and not necessarily the entire layer

Selection tool in action