Changes in motion ( also covering previous updates ):
List of changes :

Black Ink now automatically scale the user interface according to the OS settings.
The user can modify this scaling by clicking the the BI Logo on the top left of each window. The customised scaling will be saved by each individual Black Ink’s window
The Ctrl+Wheel and the Ctrl+Q shortcut are introduced to set the scaling

Some shortcuts have been moved from the Global context to the Canvas View Context ( Flip Vertical, Flip Horizontal and DrawsInCanvasView )
Better Eraser effect when using smudge brushes

You can now use the keyword “key” and “hold” in the Preference shortcut search bar.
When using the “Zoom in and out” command ( Hold Q shortcut ) the zoom is made from the cursor position instead of the centre of the View. Moreover when moving the cursor outside of the window the movement doesn’t stop.
Darker background for the BrushPreview editor to avoid confusion with the normal or secondary viewport
You can use Wheel to zoom on top of the rendering indicator.
BSL it’s now possible to use input modifier for BSL function like in this example
BSL the function matrix3FromRaw is now really available