Speed Painting Tutorials

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Speed Painting Tutorials

Postby ghmd » 11 Apr 2014, 21:43

Hello people,

I love BlackInk, but I am still trying to master it.
I have seen those "Speed Painting" videos on Youtube. Is it possible that those become real tutorials?

That would be a HUGE help to really work through three or four complex images step by step to become better acquainted with the program and the possibilities it offers.

Up until now, one works with single brushes, but there is a total lack on "complete" tutorials for complex pictures / drafts.

I especially like the Space Opera pictures (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDi0gibS3SM).

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Re: Speed Painting Tutorials

Postby u2bleank » 14 Apr 2014, 11:06

+1 for the request

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Re: Speed Painting Tutorials

Postby ghmd » 23 Apr 2014, 21:55

Anyone else in on that?

It is hard to believe I would be the only one who would like to see such tutorials.

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Re: Speed Painting Tutorials

Postby u2bleank » 24 Apr 2014, 07:55

ghmd : don't worry this request is already on the top of our list ;)

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Re: Speed Painting Tutorials

Postby ghmd » 24 Apr 2014, 18:15

u2bleank wrote:ghmd : don't worry this request is already on the top of our list ;)


Thank you very much!

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Re: Speed Painting Tutorials

Postby ghmd » 29 May 2014, 13:10

Any prognosis when the first tutorial will be available?

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Re: Speed Painting Tutorials

Postby u2bleank » 31 May 2014, 12:49

ghmd : I hope we could do somehting for September :reyes:

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Re: Speed Painting Tutorials

Postby ghmd » 23 Sep 2015, 12:49

Maybe I haven't found it, but is this tutorial out there somewhere? :)

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Re: Speed Painting Tutorials

Postby bonnie » 24 Sep 2015, 10:43

Hi ghmd,

Yes, we have done some video tutorials for Black Ink:

First Step Walkthrough
Getting started controllers
controller scattering

And with each update we explain all new features:

Black Ink 0.249.2089
Black Ink 0.225.1998
Black Ink 0.205.1923
Black Ink 0.173.1777
Black Ink 0.168.1749

Of course other tutorials will come.
We add a lot of important features and with the next release we will have to add a new tutorial.


I hope that answers your question ;)

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Re: Speed Painting Tutorials

Postby ghmd » 26 Sep 2015, 02:55

Unfortunately not.

My question for a tutorial was specifically in regard to the speed painting video as mentioned in my initial post: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDi0gibS3SM.

Will there ever be a tutorial on that?


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