I might be a little slow coming to this, but here we go... I picked a Sandman comic off the shelf earlier and was studying a character that was (in a manner somewhat out-of-place) shaded with that classic comic style. Then I thought, "Wait, Bi can do that!" There is some nice potential with the 'dots aligned' brush. If you lock the size and scales then you can pretty easily form a uniform grid pattern. From there, re-size and change the rotation of the brush until you get the result you want. Remember to keep all the min and max values equalized for the parameters you're locking in for more uniformity. If you want that hard-print look, also lock in the opacity. A zoom change will mess up the alignment also, so record zoom levels used for later editing. For reference, in the tests I was doing (without changing the behavior schemes) ~5px seemed to just touch on all sides. Anyways, just sharing:
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