Brush Dump: Spraypaint, Dual/Shadow, Tread, Seuratizer

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Re: Brush Dump: Spraypaint, Dual/Shadow, Tread, Seuratizer

Postby rainx » 06 Dec 2015, 17:08

I love the Seuratizerbrush, but is there a possibility to set the color fix like in every other brush?
I have problems editing the brush so i hope someone can help me with that :?:

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Re: Brush Dump: Spraypaint, Dual/Shadow, Tread, Seuratizer

Postby maninmachine » 07 Dec 2015, 03:32

Ah, try this. Make sure the solid color option is selected under the color tab. Switch to the color shifting tab and disable it entirely by unchecking the box next to "enabled".

(Edit) To tweak in a different way leave color shifting enabled and disable individual options by setting the range from 0 to 0.

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Re: Brush Dump: Spraypaint, Dual/Shadow, Tread, Seuratizer

Postby pipo » 10 Feb 2016, 19:04

I just tested your spraypaint brush. I love , I would use it a lot. Perfect for quick sketches when you love playing with shadows. Gives the impression of carving coal.

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