I'm trying to create a brush that would not accumulate "paint" when the pattern is repeated. Here we can see the standard behavior of a "shape step" brush in Black Ink:

The 3 exemples are done in 1 stroke. As far as I understand the brush simply adds the shape over the canvas no matter what. It's kinda problematic for several reasons.
For exemple on the left, with the fixed opacity at 50% the stroke should be half transparent. But since the steps are painted on top of each other and the shape interval is low, it ends up being opaque except for the edges.
I'd like to achieve the same behavior than on Photoshop where brushes don't accumulate "paint" onto the same stroke. It's difficult to explain exactly with words but hopefully it should be clear with this comparison:

I thought about it and I don't see how I could do it

I'm guessing the way to go would be to "keep track" of the current stroke in order to know what pixels have been painted already. Then for each new step you can compare what should be painted with what is already there, and make decisions based on that.
But as far as I can tell there is no tool in Black Ink that would allow to do this.
Any ideas?