Was messing around brushes to generate geometric art. Thought it was good enough to share:
$this->bbcode_second_pass_code('', '
// License: CC BY-SA 4.0
// Same license as Stackoverflow uses for code and content
name="Geo Art";
renderingTime = 20 ;
perPrim {
float size = 400.0;
id = 2 ;
uiMin = 0.0 ;
uiTab = "shape" ;
uiFormat = pixel ;
uiName = "size" ;
float offc = 1.0;
id = 3 ;
uiMin = 0.0 ;
uiMax = 2.0 ;
uiTab = "shape" ;
uiFormat = percent ;
uiName = "offset from center" ;
float off = 0.15;
id = 3 ;
uiMin = 0.0 ;
uiMax = 1.0 ;
uiTab = "shape" ;
uiFormat = percent ;
uiName = "height offset" ;
float width = 1.0;
id = 4 ;
uiMin = 0.0 ;
uiMax = 100.0 ;
uiTab = "shape" ;
uiFormat = pixel ;
uiName = "stroke width" ;
float reps = 11;
id = 5 ;
uiMin = 0 ;
uiMax = 20 ;
uiTab = "shape" ;
uiFormat = integer ;
uiName = "repetitions" ;
float fuzzy = 1.0;
id = 6 ;
uiMin = -100.0 ;
uiMax = 100.0 ;
uiTab = "shape" ;
uiFormat = pixel ;
uiName = "fuzziness" ;
float dodec(idatas i, float3 z) {
float phi = 0.5*(1.+sqrt(5.0));
float3 plnormal = normalize(float3(1, 1, -1));
float3 n1 = normalize(float3(-phi,phi-1.0,1.0));
float3 n2 = normalize(float3(1.0,-phi,phi+1.0));
float3 n3 = normalize(float3(0.0,0.0,-1.0));
float t;
z = abs(z);
t=dot(z,n1); if (t>0.0) { z-=2.0*t*n1; }
t=dot(z,n2); if (t>0.0) { z-=2.0*t*n2; }
z = abs(z);
t=dot(z,n1); if (t>0.0) { z-=2.0*t*n1; }
t=dot(z,n2); if (t>0.0) { z-=2.0*t*n2; }
z = abs(z);
float dmin=dot(z-float3(i.size,0.,0.),plnormal);
dmin = abs(dmin) - i.width;
// dmin = abs(dmin) - i.width*0.5;
return dmin;
void rot(inout float2 p, float a) {
float c = cos(a);
float s = sin(a);
p = float2(c*p.x + s*p.y, -s*p.x + c*p.y);
float df_(idatas i, float2 p) {
return length(p) - 100.0;
float df(idatas i, float2 p) {
float pi = 3.141592654;
float tau = 2.0*pi;
float d = 100000.0;
int rep = min(20, floor(i.reps));
float ratio = tau/float(rep);
for (int j = 0; j < rep; ++j) {
float2 ip = p;
rot(ip, j*ratio);
ip -= float2(i.offc*i.size, 0.0);
float id = dodec(i, float3(ip, i.off*i.size));
d = min(d, id);
return d;
float4 main(idatas i)
float2 p = i.pos - i.strokePos;
float4 f = i.color;
float4 b = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
float d = df(i, p);
float4 col = lerp(f, b, smoothstep(-i.fuzzy, i.fuzzy, d));
return col;