Brush flow

To talk about brush creation and controllers
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Brush flow

Postby tanuki » 22 May 2019, 11:40

I'm banging around in the brushes and I'm a bit stumped with how to do a few things (still in a bit of a photoshop mindset for brushes)

In photoshop I have a simple flow slider from 0-100% where I can adjust the flow of the brush. What is the equivalent of this in BI? I can't seem to figure it out. :?:
My most basic brush is a simple hard brush with flow at 50% and transfer set to pen pressure. I'm at a bit of a loss how to recreate this in BI.

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Re: Brush flow

Postby bonnie » 23 May 2019, 09:25


If you want to modify the flow of your brush you go to the Flow tab and modify the Shape interval value


You can even go up to 400%.
Then if you want something more precise you can unfold the parameter and you will load a control.
For example, I take the pressure smooth but there are quite a few others.


If you open the controllers panel ([C] or Window > ControllerEditor) you will see the nodes connected to your parameter


Now your controller icon is active.
You can change your values with a minimum / maximum range


And of course once you have done your brush you can save it by going to the brush manager ([M] or Window > Brush Manager)


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Joined: 17 Dec 2013, 04:22

Re: Brush flow

Postby tanuki » 26 Feb 2020, 23:17

Thanks for the detailed response (and sorry for the late reply),
but it's not quite what I'm after.
What I find is that "flow" and "opacity" in photoshop don't appear to work the same way in BI.

Opacity.jpg (73.14 KiB) Viewed 39522 times

As per above, the opacity slider in PS applies a uniform opacity over the entire stroke. (a value that can then be controlled by pressure).
With BI by comparison, the opacity seems to be applied per brush tip instance?. so you have overlay between each brush tip shape, giving an effective gradient across the width of the stroke and more overlay where a single stroke crosses over on itself.

Is there a way to make a BI brush have opacity like the PS example?

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