Some features

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Joined: 28 Feb 2018, 09:05

Some features

Postby cameyo » 16 Mar 2018, 18:30

1) Saving and loading Preferite Colors.

2) A graphic window to visualize the input/output functions values (numeric digits) of controller.

3) Rotating canvas around the mouse position OR Show the rotation center when rotating canvas (when press "R").

4) Copy and Paste the nodes of a controller.

5) More Shape types

6) Scatter min value (?!)

A tip for tablet without Tilt:
With the brush Felt Pen 4px (and other brushes too)
Set Size Min = 2 (instead of 0) and Size Max = 6

I have a lot of fun with BlackInk :heart:

P.S. Where i can find some documentation about the Brush Shader Language ?

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Re: Some features

Postby u2bleank » 19 Mar 2018, 10:22

1) Saving and loading Preferite Colors.

+1 for the request ( I know you've already suggested that in 2013... but it will come one day I promise :D )

2) A graphic window to visualize the input/output functions values (numeric digits) of controller.

+1 for the request

3) Rotating canvas around the mouse position OR Show the rotation center when rotating canvas (when press "R").

+1 for the request

4) Copy and Paste the nodes of a controller.

cf first point

5) More Shape types

We will probably not introduce more shapes for the "Shape step" brush engine. Because you can create what you want with a BSL

6) Scatter min value (?!)

Min/Max value will be more accurately managed by controllers in the future.
Moreover controllers should / will be able to expose customs parameters in Brush Parameters.

A tip for tablet without Tilt:
With the brush Felt Pen 4px (and other brushes too)
Set Size Min = 2 (instead of 0) and Size Max = 6

Ok we will look at that

I have a lot of fun with BlackInk :heart:


P.S. Where i can find some documentation about the Brush Shader Language ?

Here but we will try to release better Black Ink's Documentatyion with the next release.

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