black ink 0.249.2089 available

Announcements regarding release of BlackInk from Bleank
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Re: black ink 0.249.2089 available

Postby u2bleank » 05 Apr 2016, 07:53

unfortunately not you can' move snap points with the straight line tool.
But it's something we will probably add in the futur then +1 for the request ;)

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Re: black ink 0.249.2089 available

Postby tetriste » 06 Apr 2016, 01:23

:cry: :help: :cry:

Here I thought the update finally came out :cry:

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Re: black ink 0.249.2089 available

Postby dkarn » 06 Apr 2016, 05:07

Another question I had was is there a right angle snap for making horizontal and vertical lines. I am using Black Ink to make orthographic drawings for 3d modeling, my thinking is to use this as an artistic version of AutoCADD which is probably way outside the intended scope but it is really useful for it. Those things and making it so the transform could leave a copy of the selected area behind and Black Ink would be almost perfect for me

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Re: black ink 0.249.2089 available

Postby u2bleank » 06 Apr 2016, 08:44

Here I thought the update finally came out :cry:

Unfortunatly not. The next update is really challenging technically ( especially the ReadBack to do smudge blur and other thing like that ) and we still have a lot of code to implement :(

Another question I had was is there a right angle snap for making horizontal and vertical lines. I am using Black Ink to make orthographic drawings for 3d modeling,

You can Press the Shift before starting to draw ( then a Snap angle wheel will be displayed ).
And you can change snap option here

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Re: black ink 0.249.2089 available

Postby dkarn » 07 Apr 2016, 04:10

This program gives me a happy

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Re: black ink 0.249.2089 available

Postby willthewill » 21 Jun 2016, 12:35

Long time not coming here, bought the software like 2 years ago or something.

Happy to see it is still keep updated!

Just a little question, why did it not passed "1.0", i mean it feel pretty nice as it is, so i suppose you have not reached the goal you put yet, which is great in a way, really ambitious!

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Re: black ink 0.249.2089 available

Postby u2bleank » 21 Jun 2016, 12:50

Just a little question, why did it not passed "1.0", i mean it feel pretty nice as it is, so i suppose you have not reached the goal you put yet, which is great in a way, really ambitious!

you guessed right. We still have some features to put into Black Ink before saying we reach the 1.0 ;)

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Re: black ink 0.249.2089 available

Postby tetriste » 21 Jun 2016, 16:29

Any ETA on the next update? It's been a long time :P

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Re: black ink 0.249.2089 available

Postby u2bleank » 21 Jun 2016, 16:40

We know :( perhaps at the end of the next month but not sure we have a LOT of things to fix and some to finish.. :desperate:

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Re: black ink 0.249.2089 available

Postby tetriste » 21 Jun 2016, 17:25

Oh :S

I just want the new shader brush feature XD oh well

Is it possible to have an alpha or beta for it?


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