I’m working on Stroke Modifier...
This features will be available for all brushes.
This system will modify the course of the line in real time accordingly parameters (and controllers).
For example this stroke modifier is adding a SinWave to the current position.
Or this one is computing a rotation orbit around the current position.
Thanks to the current controller engine Stroke Modifier is greatly customizable and user-friendly to create behaviors in function of Pressure, speed, etc…
This modifier is helpful because he keeps the continuity of the tracing without any crack or hole in it.
Furthermore In the next version of Black Ink a new brush type will be introduced: the SimpleCurve which will render a smooth continuous curve and not a following of shapes like all brushes (except the Crepe) in Black Ink now for a better performance and homogeneity in the rendering.
The caveat is its not 100% perfect if there is some transparency and if the brush is really big (due to self-overlapping) but for thin lines it is excellent (in result and performance).
In the future the Stroke Modifier will be used in jointly with a MultiBrush system to create stunning effects