BlackInk + Alchemy = pure Awesomeness

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BlackInk + Alchemy = pure Awesomeness

Postby kingknop » 08 Oct 2013, 22:41

some of you may know the abstract digital art program alchemy
(I hope nobody's gonna be mad for me for betraying BlackInk with another abstract digital graphics program...
I still love you, BlackInk :help: ).
Well, Its really different from BlackInk, so I sketched with Alchemy, and then put it in BlackInk.
Which turned out to be a really good Idea :geek: .
I made the shapes of the Eye-like things with Alchemy, then colored it with the random squares brush from the brush exchange and then put these vein-like things in there with the hempen-brush (also from brush exchange).
I think it is really awesome. I did it in like 15 min or something.
But decide yourselves :smile:
The Eyes.jpg
The Eyes.jpg (239.23 KiB) Viewed 5078 times

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Re: BlackInk + Alchemy = pure Awesomeness

Postby echolaitoc » 10 Oct 2013, 00:16

I think Alchemy is a great tool for rapidly creating shapes you don't even expect. Great for coming up with ideas! It's like watching clouds.
I like the way you used the two programs together, though I don't really see the eyes. More like interesting red blobs. Or maybe what a rorschach test looks like after acid.

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