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PostPosted: 07 Dec 2013, 18:09
by tom

one of the first things I wanted to do involved math relative to the first point I hit on the canvas when my stroke starts, basically the initial, static X/Y position of the current stroke.
I could think of tons of interesting things being done relative to this point but wasn't able to find a node for that.

Is this something I missed or is it missing?
If the latter, I'd like to make this into a feature request :-)
Should be easy enough I hope.

Thanks a lot,


Re: Stroke-Starting-Point?

PostPosted: 08 Dec 2013, 02:57
by heho
I thought about an easy way to make this possible without having to make nodes for one specific use only:

a buffer node working like this
2 inputs:
  • a vector/value
  • a time(value)
the output is either a vector / value and is basicly the last input before time

a buffer step node
works like the buffer but every time it reads the first input and stores and uses it as the output until it is overwritten after time seconds

Re: Stroke-Starting-Point?

PostPosted: 09 Dec 2013, 09:04
by u2bleank
tom : Nice idea, I add your suggestions into our request database.
heho : it will be more simple ;)

Re: Stroke-Starting-Point?

PostPosted: 09 Dec 2013, 09:17
by tom
Thanks a lot u2bleank - I thought it would be a rather simple but powerful addition, for things that go circular around the start point or change based on the distance to it.

I also wondered about value visualization. I use to work with a lot of nodal systems and really enjoy if there is a way to see what numbers I'm working with. Makes the math so much easier to get right the first time ;-)

One other thing I would enjoy is deformation of the shapes - would be cool to work with 2D-Perlin-Noise deformed Circles that change shape by distance traveled for instance... ;-)



Re: Stroke-Starting-Point?

PostPosted: 09 Dec 2013, 09:37
by u2bleank
I also wondered about value visualization. I use to work with a lot of nodal systems and really enjoy if there is a way to see what numbers I'm working with. Makes the math so much easier to get right the first time ;-)

Yes definitly. the UI has already been deisgned but we must implement it..

One other thing I would enjoy is deformation of the shapes - would be cool to work with 2D-Perlin-Noise deformed Circles that change shape by distance traveled for instance... ;-)

+1 for this well known suggestion ;)

Re: Stroke-Starting-Point?

PostPosted: 09 Dec 2013, 09:46
by tom
Cool :-)

I really look forward to the further development - I think you have a winner there.

